Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Over at Devi Health, 2010 is going to be The Year of Exploring Vegan Food!

Yes, that's right! Vegan and vegetarian diets are known for being beneficial for those who struggle with diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), high cholesterol, weight control, heart disease, and more.

At the same time, in the TCM world, acupuncturists are often concerned for vegans and vegetarians, as many of them tend to present with what we call Blood Deficiency and Spleen Qi Deficiency, the signs of which may include: facial pallor, dry hair, anxiety, dry skin, scanty periods, dizziness, fatigue, and other signs and symptoms.

In folks who present with Excess and signs, however, a vegan/vegetarian diet may be one that clears excess Dampness, Phlegm, and Heat, reducing factors that impede the proper flow of Qi and Blood.

Therefore, I am interested in exploring how a sensible and well-balanced vegan/vegetarian diet may assist some while exacerbating unfavorable signs and symptoms for others - as always, there will never be one diet that is fit for all people - how boring (and dangerous) it would be if there was!

If you ask this acupuncturist, diets should be dynamic and flexible enough to put the health of the person first, emphasizing variety, ample fiber, healthy protein, joy, foods compatible with one's constitution, locality, and subjective aesthetic sensibilities. I am NOT interested in diets that feel like programs for self-punishment in disguise!!

That said, on today's resource!

To promote a plant-based diet, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is sponsoring a 21-day vegan kickstart designed to get folks started on the path to eating a vegan diet. They are providing "technical assistance" in the form of videos, meal plans, and advice, so check the site out if you are interested!

Be well!

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